1. The scientist’ persona: A discussion of Francis Bacon’s New AtlantisBibliography:
Francis Bacon, New Atlantis
Secondary literature:
Shapin, The Scientific Life, 2009, ch.2, ‘From calling to Job: nature, truth, method and vocation from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century’
Jalobeanu, Preface to Noua Atlantida , Nemira, 2007
Further reading:
Bronwen Price, ed. Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis. New Interdisciplinary essays, 2001
S.McKnight, Francis Bacon’s theology, 2006, ch. 1
Dear, P., The Intelligibility of Nature, ch.1
2. Who is the natural philosopher? Solomon House and other societies Bibliography:
Bacon, General plan (of the Instauratio Magna)
Robert Hooke, Micrographia, Preface
Excerpts from Oldenburg letters (Oldenburg to Spinoza and Spinoza’s replies)
Further primary reading:
The first number of Philosophical transactions (online on Gallica.fr)
Jalobeanu, D. ‘The fascination of Solomon’s House in seventeenth century’s England’, in V. Alexandrescu, Branching off, Zeta Books, 2009
Further reading:
Lynch, Solomon’s Child: Method in Early Royal Society, ch 1
3. Experimental philosophy/experimental science, Baconian experiments and the Royal SocietyBibliography:
Birch, History of the Royal Society – excerpts on the web-page of the course
Excerpts from Oldenburg letters (to be posted on the group)
Secondary bibliography:
Kuhn, T. Mathematical versus experimental traditions in the development of the physical sciences, The Essential Tension, 1977, 31-66
Secondary reading/further reading:
Hunter, M. ‘The Early Society and the Shape of Knowledge’, in Kelley, Popkin, Shapes of knowledge from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, Kluwer, 1991, 189-203
4. Experimental philosophy and the method of reasoningBibliography:
Bacon, Novum Organum, p. II, fragments
Bacon, Historia densi et rari , in Instauratio magna : the last texts, OFB vol XIII, 1-60
Secondary bibliography :
Peter Urbach, Francis Bacon’s philosophy of science, ch.1-3
5. Gentlemanly virtue, moral philosophy and early modern scienceBibliography:
Bacon, preface to Natural and Experimental History, OFB XII
Bacon, Valerius Terminus
Sprat, excerpts from the History of the Royal Society, part. III
Secondary bibliography:
Eamon, B., Science and the Secrets of Nature, p. 259-266 with notes
Jalobeanu, Experimental philosophy as therapy
Fri 26 March (extra) Ed Slowick: Hobbes and the ‘phantasm’ of space
No course on the 14th of April
Tue 20 April (extra) Roger Ariew (University of South Florida) Galileo’s telescopic observations
6. Experiments and the new physics: DescartesBibliography:
Descartes, Discours de la methode, VI
Excerpts from the scientific treatises (Dioptrics)
Secondary bibliography :
M. Martinet, Science et hypothese chez Descartes, Archive internationale d’histoire des sciences, 24, 1974, 319-39
C. Larmore, Descartes’ Empirical Epistemology, in Gaukroger, ed, Descartes: philosophy, mathematics and physics, Brighton, 1980
S. Sakellariadis, Descartes’ Use of Empirical Data to Test Hypotheses, ISIS, 73 (1982), 68-76
7. Experiments and the new physics: the Royal SocietyThe problem of finding the true laws of collisions
Descartes, Principles, II (excerpts)
Oldenburg (correspondence)- excerpts
Wallis, Wren, Huygens’ accounts on collisions from Philosophical transactions
Secondary bibliography:
Jalobeanu, in Jalobeanu, Anstey, Vanishing bodies: the philosophy of matter from Descartes to Hume, Routledge, forthcoming (2011)
Jalobeanu, The nature of body in 17th century English natural philosophy, in Anstey, The Oxford handbook of seventeenth century British philosophy, forthcoming
8. Experimenting with spirits: the human body and the human soul as a subjects to experimentBibliography:
Bacon, History of life and death, introduction plus selected experiments
Shakespeare, Hamlet: Who/What is the ghost? (and how can we prove it?)
Glanvill and More’s experiments with ghosts (Sadducismus triumphatus)
Secondary bibliography:
Daniel Garber – the paper on ghosts
Wallace, Francis Bacon on the nature of man, 1967, ch.2-4
9. A science of the soul: the faculties of the mindBibliography:
Bacon, The Advancement of Learning, p. II (the division of sciences)
Bacon, De Augmentis Scientiarum, II, VII
Secondary reading :
Wallace, Francis Bacon on the Nature of Man, 1967, ch.5-7
Grazia Tonelli Olivieri, ‘Galen and Francis Bacon : Faculties of the Soul and the classification of knowledge’ in Kelly, Popkin, eds., The Shapes of knowledge from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, Kluwer, 1991, 61-83
Extras (16-21 May)
Mini-worskhop on Bacon and imagination with Koen Vermeir and Dana Jalobeanu
10. The disciplinary status of scientia de anima: between natural philosophy and metaphysicsPrimary:
Simplicius, On Aristotle on the Soul, 1.1-2.4
Aristotle: De part. An, I, 1, 641a-b10
11. A science of the soul (II) Treatises on the immortality of the soul
Descartes, Meditations (1-3)
Charleton, The immortality of the soul, dialogues 1-2
Secondary: Ariew et.all Background to Descartes’ Meditations, CUP 2001
12. Sciences of the embodied soul: Treatises on passionsCharleton, The natural history of the passions
Dana Jalobeanu, Experimental philosophy as therapy…
13. Experimental philosophy, natural philosophy and therapeuticsSprat, History of the Royal Society, Excerpts from part III
Hooke, Micrographia, Preface
Hooke, A general scheme
14. Experimental versus speculative philosophy: the problems of the seventeenth century’ scienceSprat, History, part III excerpts
A comparison of Descartes and Bacon’s experiments
Ben Chaim, Experimental philosophy, ch.1
Peter Anstey, Experimental versus speculative philosophy, in Anstey, The science of nature in seventeenth century, 2004